Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell"!

Well, In your life you will witness a multitude of sights, sounds, and people. Regarding people,

some will leave you in awe, I watched Willie Mays catch and hit a home run, Michael Jordon sinking free throws with his eyes closed, Joe Montana rising above the level of meer human contestants and working the 2-minute drill to perfection.

Some are just fun. Harey Carey singing "take me out to the ballgame" at Candlestick.
Some can inspire. Thats the subject here. Here's a hint... "IIIIII've seen this book...b'fore".

Zig Ziglar, yes, the Zigster, is coming to Sacramento Feb 24. Its a day long deal with multiple speakers, and I must also warn that there is quite a few "billymayswannabe schpiels" mixed in the day. But the speakers list aint too bad. ...........................................................................................
America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, will show you how to make it through any crisis
The Greatest Olympian of All Time, Michael Phelps, will show you how to sharpen your competitive edge
World's Foremost Health Expert, Dr. Earl Mindell, will show you how to increase your health and energy
Top Sales Expert and Author of Get Motivated!, Tamara Lowe, will show you how to strengthen your sales and negotiation skills
President & CEO of Forbes Inc., Steve Forbes, will show you ways that thriving corporations use to stay ahead of the pack
Legendary Soldier-Statesman, General Colin Powell, will show you how to be a take charge leader

I'm going to see Zig. It will most likely be your last opportunity to see him in the flesh, he's 82.

Whoever wants to go, let me know quick as you can as we can go as a group for $19.

Hey, if you are up for a few sales pitches thrown right at your chin in rapid fire mode and you think you can take one for the team, it will be a good day.
Let me know, but at least you know where I will be that day. Cant wait to hear..." And maybe someday I will seeYOU, yesssssssssssssss you at the top!"

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