Gun Control? How about Parental Control. There are 20, 6 and 7 year old babies now with the Lord, seperated for a time from their grieving parents.
It's time to hear the truth. It's time to take responsibility. It's time to parent your chlidren. Its so easy to say we need more gun laws or we need to ban guns. Do you need to hear it again, "when guns are outlawed only outlaws will own guns". The Clackimaw Mall that was shot up was stopped by a Good man with a gun. The man who was carrying a conceiled wepon, legally drew on the shooter and the shooter ran and then shot himself, not any more people. Its odd how that little fact was not reported.
Murder has been around since the very beginning, Cain killed Able....with a rock. Guns are NOT the problem, people are the problem, but these mass killings are getting worse, more evil.
These unimaginable mass murders are happening more and more. Just in the last few years we keep witnessing "kids" with asault rifles, sawed off shotguns, and handguns killing people. Yes, you still have people lose it and kill another person, I'm not talking about that, I'm referring to kids who do the un-thinkable.
It used to be unimaginable, unthinkable, then came video games. Kids practice 14-20 hours a week winning at their favorite video game. Studies have shown that teens and pre-teens fronal lobe develpoement is stunted, and do not properly develope, when playing video games for hours a day. This underdeveloped frontal lobe results in lack of impulse control. Think about it, kids dont really control impulses to start with and if the part of the brain that is in charge of that function doesnt properly develope, they never will reach full potential.
But the big problem is parenting. When kids sit in their room, alone, playing Black Ops, or Halo, or Super Mario brothers for that matter any game, hour on hour, by themselves, un-parented they do not learn to interact with people. They can become reclusive, cant look you in the eye, cant carry on a conversation, cannot interact with live people. When a kid gets this way, he naturally can become the easy target of the more social kids. It seems to me we always hear the same description: "He was a good boy, quiet didnt have a lot of friends". I remember coaching a T-Ball team of 5 and 6 year olds and some of them, it appeared, were doing something physical and social for the first time. While attempting to play catch, I heard one boy say to the other, "throw it to the humanoid".I was blown away.
PARENTS! WAKE UP! DO YOUR JOB. Yes, your job is raising your child. When you bring a child into this world, your #1 job is them, NOT YOU! Give up the gym, your hobbies, your "me" time. We are so self centered that we think our "needs" are ahead of our children, WRONG.
As a kid, we played Cowboys and Indians. We played Army. We did these things WITH other kids, outside, with consequences. If you ran, you got winded. If you fell, you lost some elbo or knee skin and it hurt. When I was 6 or 7, I was shot (with a surveyer stick pointed at me as a rifle by my best friend). Well, when you get shot you fall and I fell knee first into a shard of glass and cut an artery and took 7 stitches in the leg. There was no reset button. I was laid up for a week or so. Lesson, cutting an artery and getting stitches sucks, try to avoid that. I get it, the new video games are so realistic its unbelievable, and if that lights your fire, so beit, just understand that you need to treat this time cautiously and only let your baby participate while YOU supervise and participate with him or her.
It now comes out regarding the Newtown murders that the Mother of the killer owned the guns he took, legally, proving criminals do not obey laws. But it also is coming out now that in the last few years, she kept him home, spending all his time is 2 rooms, playing video games, away from other kids and people in general. What do we expect? Do we expect he would all of the sudden become a normal person who gets a job a wife and a mortgage? Seriously? The Mother become worried about him in the last couple years, TOO LATE!
California gun laws are the most strict in the country. Waiting a week for a handgun is not such a bad idea, but when evil wants to kill, it will find a way. There are no gun laws that will protect us from evil. Guns are here, you cannot change that. But rocks are here, and sticks are here and cars are here and rope is here and knives and cleavers get it. Lets not blame an inanimant object for evil, its only the instrument used by evil. Lets blame parents who are more concerned with their own life than their childs. Lets blame a societal change that happened in the 70's when we made it the law of the land to murder innocent human beings, by law, with absolutely no reason whatsoever.
We have murdered over 55 million babies in the United States alone since 1973's court decisioin Roe v Wade. That says that while the evil killings were happening in Conecticut, while 29 Human beings were brutally murdered, we, as a country murdered 157 during that same hour alone. And we continue to MURDER 157 BABIES EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY. How many people have been killed with guns during that same time period? If you want to get angry about loss of life, take on legal abortion. I'm sick of hearing people claim that its a right to take an unborn human life, or its ok for you but not me. Thats the same thing as saying Its OK for you to kill innocent school children, but its just not my bag"
If you are just trying to make yourself feel better by opposing an inanimanat object, than dont bother me with your hogwash.
We must take responsibility. If we want to own an asault rifle, we must be responsible enough to keep it out of the hands of ill-equipped people. If you want to own a Pitbull, you have to INSURE that it cannot get out among the public. Pitbulls have killed 17 people per year since 2006, where is the outrage? If you want to own one, you must be respoonsible for it. A dog is like a gun, they must be maintained by a responsible adult. We will revisit this over and over until we have the guts to look at the truth, but I fear we may have already jumped the shark.
Until Jesus returns.
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