If the liberal Dems can say that Sarah Palin isn't qualified to represent our country because she doesn't think like they do, then I can say Barak Obama Bin Ladin isnt qualified due to a few different things, which I shall now point out to the less "gutsey" observers out there....just kidding, (hey, I'm just giving ya want ya want).
I'm sure Mr Obama is a very nice guy, or not, but who cares. He seems to be a committed man. Its just that it scares me to think of the things he has been committed to over the years. And now he has all our answers and a chicken in every pot. We are about to give up a chance to have success for a hot meal. He could be a very effective Senator, I guess. But Praisident? I think not. "Come on now, we all know your name isnt Pete, its Pierre".
America, U.S.A., the States, the evil one, however we are known, is a great country founded on Christian values by Christian men and women. Our citizens are from all over the world. We bring in our family's culture and meld it in with the existing culture resulting in American culture. I dont have a problem with people immigrating here, I'll help you do it! You could be a Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim, whatever. I dont care if you worship sale sundays at Macy's, you are welcome here! But the Praisident, I'm holding him to a higher standard.
You gotta be a "purebread", someone who is steeped by history and love in the American Dream! A place where anyone can be anything they want....except for Praisident. I dont want my Praisident or his wife to hate or be ashamed of this country. Lets see, the only rules we have are, you have to be 35 years old, natural born citezen, non-felon, husband of but one wife....ooops I got caried away there. But I want a pedegree Praisident. Someone who loves this country the way it is today and appreciates how we got here. Someone who loves American culture, its rich, its poor, the good and the bad. Someone who sees a better future, yes, but someone who sees that future possible within the framework our forefathers developed.
CAPITOLISM BABY! It's the only system that rewards achievement. It's the achievers who create the wealth. Its that same wealth that comes to the rescue of every country in need. Its the achievers who create jobs to manage their wealth. and thereby make it possible for the rest of America to have the job, pretty much of their choice, to feed and clothe themselves and their families and create their own wealth. Its the achievers in this country that create the medical procedures that are the best in the world. The freedom we enjoy is empty without the wealth created by achiement. It's all up to the individual on where they want to be in the food chain. But as my least favorite "Country" band says..."Only in America" .
OK, you waited long enough, here it is...Barak has Muslim roots. He claims to be a Christian now, and thats all great, but his background is Muslim and that culture is in him and always will be. You say wow, you are harsh or narrowminded or whatever cliche you want, but the way IS narrow. I want our leader to be the very best American Man or Woman, that embraces Capitolism and Freedom. I dont want a Praisident with immediate family in Kenya.
I want his or her family to be from Georgia, and I mean the one next to Alabama.
Well tomorrow is the big day. It looks like we blew it. Maybe this is the wake up call the Conservative majority in this country needs. Four years of Socialism just might do it.
When you give a man a dole you deny him his dignity, and when you deny him his dignity you rob him of his destiny.– Zig Ziglar
Geeze, George McGovern looks pretty good now!....and by the way, "Carabou Barbie" is freakin funny!
For a more sane? comment on election, go to greenwoodramblings.blogspot.com
hahaa...how do you REALLY feel?
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